Give me your votes for county exec

Dear Editor:

It is with interest that I read comments and affirmations of Tom DeGise, Hudson County Executive, regarding his accomplishments and his agenda for the future of the county. In reality Tom DeGise hasn’t been county executive long enough to affect the county one way or another. He hasn’t accomplished much, and he surely had little or no affect on this year’s county budget; that credit should go to the County Board of Freeholders.

Mr. DeGise’s agenda, as stated in his message to the county, and his priorities to address some of the issues that affect Hudson County residents, leaves much to be desired. His priorities are disconnected from those of a great portion of Hudson County residents. But first come the contradictions of Mr. DeGise’s candidacy.

In 2001 Congressman Robert Menendez along with Robert Janiszewski helped spend almost one million dollars to defeat Tom DeGise’s run for Mayor of Jersey City. It was claimed by Congressman Menendez and others that Tom DeGise, as Council President of Jersey City, left the city with a $51 million financial structural deficit. In addition it was claimed that, for nine years, Tom DeGise acquiesced his leadership to conform with the extreme views and positions of a conservative Republican, who was totally opposed to democratic issues and programs.

Now, we find in the upcoming primary elections, Mr. Menendez is willing to spend millions of dollars to remove Mayor Glenn Cunningham from his position and reinstall Tom DeGise as County Executive. While all of this is going on the residents of Hudson County are being deprived of better government. Mr. DeGise’s priorities totally miss the mark for the majority of county residents. Most people care about keeping taxes low, protecting the environment and maintaining open space. But, I am no sure that they would prioritize them in that order. What happened to jobs, affordable housing, programs for our youth and seniors, education and keeping our streets safe?

Unemployment is supposedly at 6 percent nationally, I can safely say that it is twice as high in Hudson County and higher for minority adults. According to recent statistics 25 percent or more of minority children in Hudson County live in poverty. Where is the priority here? Affordable housing along Hudson River communities is almost nonexistent. Renters went from $1500 to $3000 a month rent for a two bedroom apartment. This is clearly out of the range of most Hudson County residents.

Minority teenagers have an unemployment rate of more than 50 percent and Tom DeGise thinks that 100 summer jobs county wide will address this serious problem. It is a band aid approach to a very serious condition. Statistics indicate that in some cities in Hudson County, the high school drop out rate is 50 percent or higher. By accomplishing this and not doing more in assisting your people to stay in school, we are creating a permanent class of under-educated, under-motivated and under-trained individuals, who will not become productive members of this society.

Furthermore, it is recognized that 50 percent of crime involves people under the age of 19. To respond to this situation we must engage our young people and develop a “Marshall Plan” to combat the many problems which confront our youth today. That one penny which Tom DeGise wants to raise county taxes to preserve open space, would be better invested in the future of our young people. This is the one true natural resource we cannot afford to squander.

Unfortunately, Tom DeGise’s priorities as county exec are disconnected from the realities of the majority of his constituents. As Hudson County Executive, I will focus on those issues that most affect the daily concerns and quality of life of the people of Hudson County. My priorities will include those mentioned by Tom DeGise, but I will also focus on the problems of Employment, Affordable housing, Youth/Senior programs, better education and public safety.

If these are not the priorities of Hudson County government, our future will not progress into the 21st century. On June 3, Vote for Jaime Vazquez for County Executive, Column “D” for Democrat. Thank you very much.

Jaime Vazquez
Democratic Candidate for
Hudson County Executive


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