People of Union City appreciate Mayor Stack’s dedication and fairness

Dear Editor:

On the evening of April 15, 2003 at the Emerson HS gymnasium, Mayor Brian P. Stack and the Board of Commissioners held their monthly meeting. At this specific meeting the public was informed that Mayor Brian P. Stack had appointed three new board members. All three new board members are of Hispanic descent.

At the present moment the Board has seven board members. These appointed individuals are dedicated, caring and capable and will represent the entire community.

At this particular meeting Mr. Jose Falto was in attendance. Mr. Falto who wants to run for mayor questioned the three appointed board members. Mr. Falto stated that the Union City Board of Education will no longer have Anglo representation.

As a lifetime resident of Union City I disagree with Mr. Jose Falto. Mayor Brian P. Stack’s record is solid and fair when appointing individuals to different positions. Mayor Brian P. Stack does not leave groups behind, he is the mayor of every ethnic group and dedicates his time to every one of them.

For these individuals who have lived here in Union City and pay property taxes, they are all aware that Mayor Brian P. Stack is the only mayor in the past 30 years who has not raised property taxes. The reason property taxes are stable under the administration of Brian P. Stack is because the mayor made difficult decisions when he froze the hiring of city employees and cut down the overtime hours by the police department. Despite these cuts the city is a better place to live, and the number of crime and violence has declined. Also I’d like to remind the community that closing bars one hour earlier has had tremendous success, and the streets are safer late at night than prior to this ordinance.

I’m confident the people of Union City appreciate good government, and once again there will be the primary election and running in this election for the Assembly seat is Mayor Brian P. Stack, and again the votes the mayor will receive will indicate that the working people are extremely happy with the difficult job Mayor Brian P. Stack is doing as mayor of our city.

Oscar Cordero


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