It’s all in The Ankles Jersey City band plays at Uncle Joe’s May 11

The buzz in the local indie scene is mostly about The Ankles. A young and energetic (insert category here) rock group with tremendous potential, The Ankles are currently touring and rehearsing.

They recently traveled to Virginia to play a couple of shows, and they are eager to keep traveling beyond the tri-state area. Led by Shaun Tomey, the band has released Kill Themselves (Magadee). The record is well-produced with minor distortions. A half dozen tracks are worthy of commercial radio airplay. The Ankles are preparing for their gig at Uncle Joe’s in Jersey City on May 11. We sat down with Tomey to find out more about the band.

EM – Why did you guys name yourselves The Ankles?

ST – Same amount of syllables as The Beatles. I also really like the band The Shoes.

EM – Where are you from?

ST – Three of us live in an apartment in Jersey City, and one guy lives in New York City now.

EM – Who are your influences?

ST – Teenage Fanclub, Glen Tilbrook, Syd Barrett, Mike O’Neil, Paul McCartney, The Reid Brothers, Robert Pollard, The Davies Brothers, and The Melvins, The Rolling Stones and The Wedding Present.

EM – Why did you become a musician?

ST – People asking me to join bands. By default.

EM – Where have you performed?

ST – In a record store in Virginia that we ran everyone out of. A café in Connecticut where the one girl in the audience booed. Maxwell’s is the best. Mercury Lounge is nice too.

EM – What is your favorite day of the week?

ST – I work Friday and Sunday nights, so give me any of the other five.

EM – What are the last three CDs you bought?

ST – The Warlocks’ The phoenix, Brian Jonestown Massacre’s

Bravery, Repetition and Noise and The Aislers Set’s How I Learned to

Write Backwards.

EM – How would you describe your music?

ST – This first LP isn’t going to fool anyone, it’s Indie rock. Not bad for a first time out though I suppose. The next one is going to be a nice step forward I believe.

EM – Are you looking for mainstream exposure?

ST – I want to wallow in artistic self-pity evermore.

EM – What professional plans do you have for the future?

ST – Write a good rock ‘n’ roll record.

EM – What is the best part about your job?

ST – Being given the chance next time out to write a good rock ‘n’ roll record.

The Ankles will perform at Uncle Joe’s at 154 First St. in Jersey City on May 11 at 9 p.m. Tickets are $5. For information call (201) 658-6999 or visit q


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