Dear Editor:
It has only been 17 months since the tragic events that took place on September 11, 2001. Since that time many people have been calling themselves patriots of these United States of America. These same people have been flying those colors that represent freedom and justice for all under the guise of patriotism. They have been displaying bumper stickers with the words “These colors don’t run,” along with decals of our great Flag. The American Flag has been flying more than ever from many houses to the antennas of cars. These same people wear clothes emblazon with the American Eagle along with NYPD/FDNY and act as if they are proud to live in this Great County. Unfortunately, it seems for some that time has healed those wounds suffered on that fateful day 17 months ago. Those same people that were so patriotic back then have lost that sense of pride now. It appears as if that sense of pride has burnt out and this country’s citizens are less patriotic than ever before. Either the word Patriot has taken on a new meaning or it is now simply misunderstood.
As far as I am concerned, a true Patriot makes his/her sense of pride evident through their actions, not by merely displaying our flag, or pasting decals on their car. Of course it is an appreciated gesture, but it takes much more to contribute to our country. It is obvious that not everyone can be a Marine, or even take part in the other branches of service, but everyone does have the ability to help out, even if it is in the most minimal way. This was made evident in September of 2001, when citizens from all walks of life contributed to the future of our country. Lately, I have observed many disturbing events. The same young citizens who declared themselves Patriots on 9/11/01 now attend public war protests, make disturbing remarks during debates, and display anti-American views. I have read recently about a popular college that held a debate in which students would express their views opposing or justifying a war with Iraq. Although I respect their freedom of speech, I am unable to respect many of the remarks made. Students stated that if there were a draft that they would dodge it, explained that they feel this country is terrible and even initiated an anti-military organization. How can it be that these were the same citizens that were so “Patrotic” approximately a year ago?
I urge everyone who is reading this article not to overlook their freedom, or the people who play a role in granting you this freedom, not just those in the past but those that are in the process of defending it now. Give to their children what they have given to you. Not only should we proudly display the American Flag, we should also contribute something to it. Then, and only then, will you admire it with even more dignity. Let us not make that same mistake we made during the Vietnam War by not supporting our men and women. Challenge yourself to step away from the meek, and to take part in something greater than self-interest. The true Patriots of this country may be greatly outnumbered, but the few and the proud have been victorious since 1775. We can all share that victory by bringing Liberty and Freedom for all. Please support those that will be fighting for that Freedom. They are betting their lives on it.
Bobby Hancox