Morning hours at the mall is not a pleasant experience!

Dear Editor:

As a current and longtime resident of Weehawken, I have recently become concerned with the increasing number of vagrants loitering in and near the shopping center at 4100 Park Avenue. I like, many other residents, enjoy walking to the mall and shopping at the stores. This enjoyment however should not be tarnished by the continuous encounters with overly intoxicated individuals. Each morning I must make my way through several groups of men, all toting a brown paper bag (presumably alcohol).

It has come to the point where I expect to be harassed by beggars and forced to step over these vagrants before entering the mall. It has also become apparent that these individuals are using the walls as their personal toilets by the constant smell of urine at the rear entrance.

I have seen police officers patrolling the mall at night, but more needs to be done during the morning hours, particularly when the liquor stores open.

Mayor Turner, please return the mall to the residents of Weehawken, and bring the enjoyment back to shopping.

Much appreciated,

Willima Casease, Jr.


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