New battalion fire chief elected Robert Parisi will fill department’s third highest post

Robert Parisi, a former captain from Engine Company No. 1 in the Plaza Center firehouse, will become “battalion chief” for the Secaucus Volunteer Fire Department – making him the third highest ranking official in the department.

As a result of an election conducted on Dec. 13, Parisi will take his place in the rotation of chiefs, making him chief of the entire fire department in 2007.

A new chief takes over every two years in Secaucus. Each battalion chief learns the ropes over a four-year process, and eventually takes over.

In order to assure that each of the town’s five firehouses has representation among the chiefs, the election rotates. Firefighters vote for the battalion chief, who in two years will become the deputy chief, and two years after that becomes the chief in charge. Secaucus has five firehouses.

Parisi, a 1978 graduate of Secaucus High School, has served as fire captain, a requirement for election to chief. Although employed by the town’s Department of Public Works for a year, he currently works for the state Department of Transportation. His duties cover a geographical range from North Bergen to Little Falls.

Parisi has served almost 21 years as a firefighter – all the time as a member of Engine Company No. 1.

“I would like to serve 30 years and then retire,” he said last week.

Parisi has served two years as fire lieutenant and two years as fire captain. He was captain of Engine Company No. 1 during the February 1996 train crash in the south section of Secaucus.

“That was rough,” he recalled during a telephone interview this week. “I remember how people didn’t know where the train was.”

The crash resulted in several deaths, although the fire department was instrumental in helping rescue and transport hundreds of passengers from the train.

As captain, Parisi also oversaw the acquisition and putting into service of the company’s KME Fire Stix engine, a new pumper truck. He has also served as the company’s driver training instructor. Over the years, his duties have included driving, pumping, hose testing and a variety of other operations.

New challenge

Parisi said he ran for the position of battalion chief because he liked to be active in the department and felt it would be a challenge.

“I hope to work with all the guys to the best of my ability,” he said. “I hope we can achieve a lot and I hope to make a better department and keep all the companies working together – the way they are now.

The volunteer firefighters receive a small stipend depending on how many fires they respond to.

Parisi will serve under Frank Walters, who takes over as chief of the Secaucus Fire Department on Jan. 1, and Raymond Cieciuch, who will serve as deputy chief. Parisi said he believes the fire chief and the deputy chief will help him learn the ropes.

“They are fantastic guys, and I’m sure they’ll help teach me what I’m supposed to know,” he said. “I’m looking forward to it.”

Parisi’s 11-year old son is particularly excited about the position.

“He loves the fire department and he really needed to hear that his father was chief,” he said. “This made his year. He’s all pysched up.”

Parisi’s election comes during the 100th anniversary of Engine Company No. 1, which was originally located on Front Street. It currently shares a building with the old Secaucus Public Library in the Plaza. Swearing in ceremonies will likely take place with the swearing-in of Town Council members on Jan. 6.


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