Dear Editor:
Just recently, property owners residing within two hundred feet of the proposed Baker/River Walk Development received a four-page letter from the New Jersey Meadowland Commission signed by Mr. Robert Ceberio, Executive Director of NJMC, in which he noted the following:
1. The four-page letter contained an acknowledgment and “thank you” from the NJMC to those residents who wrote letters expressing their concerns for the proposed 212 Townhouse Development. Also a summary of the decision, hearing fact sheet, additional project information, variances and NJMC review process.
2. Most significantly contained in the letter of summary decision are the following sentences: “additionally, the commission has on file copies of the traffic report and fiscal analysis prepared by the developer.” Upon request, this can be forwarded to you in paper form.
3. Mr. Ceberio announced a new public relation concept is being developed. In the future, the NJMC will have a Public Informational Center, manned by NJMC staff and officials to answer all public questions. Also, copies of traffic reports and impact study will be mailed to home addreses following the meeting.
Evidently and hopefully, the NJMC recognizes its failures and lack of public regard in its rules and regulations when addressing all new developments. Certainly, a friendlier and more receptive NJMC relationship, plus the Mayor’s assistance, could have avoided many problems in Secaucus. Moreover, since we pay taxes on each level of government, whether local, state or national, we have the constitutional right to all information before the presentation of any project. The “Public information law” didn’t seem to apply here. Why? We also have the constitutional right to be properly represented and heard.
Thank you.
Sam Maffei and Frank MacCormack