Thank you for your confidence in me once again

Dear Editor:

I want to take this opportunity to thank all the second ward residents for their vote of confidence last week that returns me to the council for the next four years. I pledge to continue working for them, as well as for all the residents of Secaucus.

Working with Mayor Dennis Elwell and the other members of Team Elwell in the first and third wards, a lot has been accomplished in the past three years I’ve served as the second ward councilman. This does not mean, however, that the job is finished. Together we will continue to work on the projects that have enhanced the quality of life in Secaucus. We will continue our policy of preserving open space, keeping as much of it as possible accessible to the public. As we press on with improvements designed to make flooding a thing of the past in Secaucus, we will also continue with the street paving program. Also, I am committed to closely monitoring development on the Ship Tank site to insure it does not adversely affect the residents or impact on the community.

Again, I want to thank all those who voted for me for giving me the opportunity to continue seeking opportunities to provide new and improved services to all residents of Secaucus. I take this responsibility very seriously and will always remain accessible to the residents. Do not hesitate to call me with any problems or questions.

Councilman Robert Kickey


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