The support continues

Dear Editor:

Over the course of the summer, volunteers, donations and local support has been incredible. Since the first week in June we have received tickets to several sporting events including the Newark Bears, Trenton Thunder and NY Liberty. In addition we were also given the opportunity take our youth sailing in NYC with the Manhattan Yacht Club in NYC.

The support from the community has been tremendous and continues to grow as we continue to improve our services. As stated, over the last two months we have been given a great deal, and I must thank the following for their continued support of our programs: David Roberts (Mayor); Chris Campos (Fourth Ward Councilman); Rubin Ramos Jr. (President of the City Council); Carmelo Garcia (Director of Human Services); Julie Galanty (Hoboken YMCA); Geri Fallo (Community Affairs); Lynda Walker (Hoboken Housing Authority); Monica Dimucci and Hoboken Rotary, as well as so many other volunteers offering their support over the years.

Tonnie Rozier
Hoboken Boys & Girls Club


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