Tell the truth and don’t generalize about critics

Dear Editor:

When it comes to David Roberts’ secrecy about Lorrie Cotter’s role in Hoboken government he might need the help of Harry Potter to spin some magic to get himself out of this episode that is so shrouded in mystery.

In a previous letter to the editor, I raised several questions about the departure of Mrs. Cotter as Business Administrator for Hoboken. It took inquiries from the press for the taxpayers and renters of Hoboken to get some answers. Now you announce the departure of Katia Stack, our Director of Finance, and her replacement in what appears to be a half-hearted attempt to cover the fact Mrs. Cotter has remained on payroll since the hiring of a new Business Administrator.

The mayor recently made several disturbing remarks at a press conference bemoaning the dozens of letters to the editor sent to the Jersey Journal and the Hoboken Reporter regarding citizen concerns over the way he is managing Hoboken government. Mr. Mayor, Grow Up! Democracy requires difference of opinions in order for it to flourish. Our nation was founded upon diverse opinions and our right to express them.

Your accusation that I blindly follow the lead of Councilman Tony Soares in the content of my letters is insulting and inaccurate. Mr. Soares and I share some common concerns about your administration. However, I have some differences of opinion with Mr. Soares as well. Stop crying and start working with all those who have diverse opinions to find much needed solutions to the growing problems in Hoboken. Just because two people have a difference of opinion with you does not mean they do not love Hoboken and are fighting to find solutions to its problems. It does not pay for a public official to attempt to hide basic facts from those who have placed the trust of governing in your hands.

Mr. Mayor, wouldn’t it have been governmentally cleaner and politically easier just to tell the truth in the first place. What tangled webs we weave when we first practice to deceive.

Michael Schaffer


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