Dear Editor:
We are looking for a few good spellers and we want you. The Friends of the Hoboken Library are proud to announce that our annual spelling contest is being revived after a three-year hiatus. The Friends invite you to join us on Saturday evening, October 5th at 7 p.m. for our sixth competition. The Great Hoboken Spelling Challenge is a team spelling competition for spellers both young and not-so-young. The event will take place at the Hoboken Public Library at 500 Park Avenue. The event will be hosted by Bob Bowden of Bloomberg Television.
Heres how the Spelling Challenge works. Any four people, high school age or older, friends, colleagues, whatever, can form a team of three competitors plus one alternate (well even consider a team of three, if you are willing to risk doing without an alternate). More about the Challenge — rules, regulations, and just a little fine print — can be found in the entry packets; call Lori Stethers at 201-653-3351 to get one sent to you.
Last step: Appear at the Spelling Challenge on October 5th (bring a cheering section!) ready to have a good time. Our goals are to have fun and to benefit the entire community, particularly Hobokens children, by raising money for the Library. The first five Spelling Challenges were an impressive display of local spelling talent and great fun for competitors and spectators alike. Proceeds from the previous Challenges have helped us purchase books, computers, video cassettes and DVDs for the Library. Due to space considerations, the Spelling Challenge will be limited to seven teams on a first-come, first-served basis. So, dont delay. Mark your calendars and get out those dictionaries now! We hope to see you on October 5th.
Michelle McGrievey and Lori Stethers
Event Co-Chairs
Friends of the Hoboken Public Library