Where will Hoboken’s children live?

Dear Editor:

Falling on deaf ears. I have written in the past to ask of the City Council, “where will your children live?” trying to raise the issue of income and disparity in new housing in Hoboken.

According to information released from the last census as reported in the New York Times last week, the overall median household income for Hoboken leaped by 38.2 percent to $62,550, with the increase even higher among whites alone. In English that means that half of Hoboken makes less than that and half makes more (A median is the halfway point, a mean is an average). Just read the real estate listings in this paper, and it is very clear which half housing is being built for and who is profiting from it.

I hope all of you with clear conflicts of interests in our city government save all the money you are making in real estate deals to buy your children homes in Hoboken or pay for them to get an Ivy League MBA so they afford to remain in the town they grew up in. Thanks for selling out those of us in the middle who make too much to qualify for affordable housing but can’t afford market rate housing either.

Again I ask, “where will your children live?” Probably not Hoboken unless you are wealthy or poor enough to qualify for low income housing (and sit on a waiting list for years and years.)

David Bimbi


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