All homes having access to the Internet should be a criterion for a successful Master Plan

Dear Editor:

On Thursday, July 18, I attended the City’s first public meeting held to discuss the revision to the City’s master plan. As promised the meeting was energetic with residents from many sectors participating and providing their input.

My compliments to Beth Mason, the chair of the Master Plan Subcommittee of the Planning Board, for her leadership in identifying and engaging the services of the nationally recognized planning consulting firm of Abeles Phillips Preiss & Shapiro, Inc., and organizing a successful meeting.

One of the areas that I believe needs to be included in the City’s’s vision of the future is the use of technology to bring the world of the Internet to all children of the City. Thanks to Cablevision all of the public schools have high-speed access via fiber optic cables. There is enough capacity in those cables to ensure all homes have the capability to reach the Internet. Making it a reality should be a criterion for a successful Master Plan.

In my brief discussion of this issue with Ms. Mason I found her to be open and supportive, and I look forward to working with her and the Infrastructure Subcommittee.

John Pope


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