Thank you Commissioner Perez

Dear Editor:

As we all read the sad news on Commissioner Peter Perez resigning from his position and are probably too quick to judge, we cannot help but think how much Mr. Perez contributed to the town and to the children involved in all sorts of sports that the NB Recreation Center offers headed by Mr. Perez.

The Soccer Community has lots to thank Mr. Perez for his support, for his open-door policy and for all his contributions. It may not take away the existing allegations, but let’s remember that his programs and personal assistance have taken hundreds of children off the streets during each sports season. Children’s lives have greatly benefited because of his involvement in NB Rec sports.

We, the Soccer Community, can only hope that Mr. Perez and his family continue to be part of our community, and at the same time offer our support because we sure have had his throughout the last 6 years when soccer wasn’t even welcomed and even more support “when the tough got going”.

Walter & Ingrid Lagos,
Rafael & Jose Arismendi (& spouses),
Able and Roxana Yacovino,
and others


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