Drivers of commuter vans need a few more lessons in ‘driving’

Dear Editor:

Here is my suggestion for an initiative to improve the quality of life in West New York. Crack down on the reckless driving of the private commuter vans that ply Boulevard East.

As anyone can obviously see, these vans and buses routinely disregard traffic lights and disobey traffic laws. They create traffic hazards and delays by stopping in the middle of the road, not moving to the side when picking up passengers. They tend to stop at 60th Street to wait for passengers, blocking the travel lane and forcing vehicles into the left turn lane. They are also frequently seen speeding and generally driving in an aggressive and unsafe manner.

I don’t know who taught these people how to drive but generally they drive as if they found their licenses (if they have them at all) in a cereal box.

Dan Sheehan


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