The Ruling

Dear Editor:

Frankly, I have no problem with a Court ruling that the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance, are unconstitutional (Separation of Church and State) and must be deleted. The ruling was a godsend to the Best Congressmen Money Can Buy: they all got on TV holding palms greased with “campaign contributions” on their hearts while facing the flag and reciting the Pledge, proving once again that such “Patriotism” is indeed “the last refuge of scoundrels.” Because with the other hand they’re transferring billions of our tax dollars to toxic Special Interests and evil foreign governments, while they can’t find a few million to keep Amtrak on the rails or educate our children.

As I say, I welcome the Judgment, because while I do believe that America is “under” some Entity, I’m not at all sure it’s God.

T. Weed


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