I am not too happy about the decison to have H.H.S.’s students graduate at Stevens!

Dear Editor:

While reading your newspaper last week I was appalled to learn that Hoboken High School will be having their graduation ceremony at Stevens Institute of Technology.

I am a proud graduate of H.H.S. and so are my two children.

These students have spent four years at H.H.S., participated in academic achievements, extra curricular activities, earned recognition, all under the name of H.H.S. not Stevens!!

Who could ever forget the cherished memories of our last walk together as classmates from H.H.S. through the beautiful park, making that spectacular entrance unto our field, the Majestic “American Flag” and our beloved red and white “Red Wing” banner leading us to our dignified positions where we would soon become official graduates of H.H.S.

Our parents, relatives, friends and former teachers watching with pride as we marched across our field. Throwing our caps into the open sky and finally the gathering of families, graduates, teachers and friends in the park, spilling over to the high school crying, laughing and celebrating our accomplishments as we said our goodbyes.

I truly understand how prestigious Stevens is but what is the message we are sending the students? “To put prestige before heritage.”

Was this done in the best interest of the graduates or to benefit some political agenda?

I wonder if Mr. Raslowsky, President of the Hoboken Board of Education would agree to have his graduates from St. Peter’s Prep (where he is principal) to graduate from the New Jersey City University?

Who made this decision, the Mayor, Superintendent, Board of Education, administrators?

I can only hope that whoever it was remembers the words to Hoboken High School’s Ala Mater and listens carefully to the beauty of the lyrics that reflects the honor and team spirit of all students who attend H.H.S.

A former Proud graduate of Hoboken High School


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