An open letter

Dear Friends:

I have lived in Hoboken for over 25 years and have raised three boys here. In this city which I love very much, I have watched my sons grow from three rambunctious boys, into three fine responsible young men, of which I am extremely proud.

During my time here in Hoboken, I have been an active member of the community. I have been involved with the Coalition for a Better Waterfront, with the Mount Olive Baptist Church, with the local branch of the NAACP and, an accomplishment of which I am most proud, I was honored to be elected to two terms as a member of our Board of Education.

I believe very much in what Mr. Hartnett, the current County Executive, is trying to do. After the previous County Executive, Mr. Janiszewski, was indicted, Mr. Hartnett received a mandate from the mayors of Hudson County to clean up County Government. Mr. Hartnett has taken his mandate from the mayors of Hudson County very seriously. Unfortunately, Mr. Janiszewski and his style of government enjoyed a lot of support within Hudson County Government.

Without the changes that Mr. Hartnett is trying to put in place it will not be long before Hudson County has another Mr. Janiszewski. People in public office who use public office for their own advantage, not only steal our money, they also bring shame upon government. In order to reform County Government, the County Executive, being like the mayor for Hudson County Government, needs the support of the Freeholders. Only a minority of the Freeholders have been giving Mr. Hartnett the support he needs to succeed. That is why I am running for Freeholder.

I will not talk about reforming Hudson County Government, I will work to reform Hudson County Government. Not only that, I will not talk about keeping County taxes down, I will work to keep them down. I will not talk about making education a top priority, I will make education a top priority. In my first term in office I will let my actions speak for me!

Like most people who live in Hudson County, I love Hudson County! I would like Hudson County Government to be the best it can be. In order for Hudson County Government to be the best it can be, people like Mr. Hartnett must succeed, and he needs my support.

For those in Hoboken who have supported me in the past, and those who have not, I hope and pray that everyone will join me in supporting Mr. Hartnett’s valiant efforts to reform Hudson County Government. Reform is not easy, it requires sacrifices, which some people are not willing to make. I am committed. A vote for me is a vote for future reform.

Though I may be facing an uphill battle in my efforts, I believe enough in people of Hudson County to believe that you cannot fool all the people, all of the time! A vote for me is a cry out “Government is for the People not the Politicians.”

I hope I will have your support on Election Day, Tuesday, June 4, 2002.

Carrie Gilliard


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