State parks are about space and nature and natural beauty

Dear Editor:

The Liberty State Park Development Corporation’s focus is contrary to the needs of the people of New Jersey. Through the foresight of a few individuals, the residents of Hudson and nearby counties are fortunate to have a bit of open space in which the pressures of urban life can be dispelled, people’s spirits can expand, and children can become familiar with nature. Taking over even pieces of it for golf courses, water parks, and the like makes a mockery of these real needs.

Children’s needs: Only a few children are satisfied with basketball at recess. What about the many, many boys who are not natural ballplayers, who would rather explore the way ants crawl about or run about playing pirates? And the girls — don’t we need to give young girls more to think about than boys? Children are getting obese because there is no place for them to go outside! We need space for these children to explore the natural world, to get away from school social pressures, to engage in imaginative play, to stretch their legs and run. It is especially critical for the state to provide such space, since urban schools are increasingly foregoing recess time and play facilties (to their shame).

Family needs: With parents working more and more, there is an ever-increasing need for open space where parents and children can enjoy each other’s company, apart from the pressure of everyday life. Special family times happen at special places. A golf course is not such a place.

Grown-up needs: There are golf courses all over Northern New Jersey, but where does someone go who needs to look out over beautiful natural vistas? Where does someone go to find the peace that comes with staring at the sky without traffic bustling about? Most of us need these things sometimes, and a lot of us need these things a lot of the time. And there is nowhere but Liberty State Park for people to satisfy that need anywhere nearby.

We hope the state government will do what is obviously right here. State Parks are not about commerce! They are about space and nature and natural beauty, which are crucial to spiritual health of us all.

Carol L. Osler


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