Government officials at opening day ceremony make an important impact on children

Dear Editor:

On Saturday, April 13, The Hoboken Little League celebrated it’s 52nd opening day. It was a very festive day complete with parade and ceremonies at our beautiful Little League Field and was an occasion enjoyed by hundreds of Hoboken residents. Unfortunately, I have to consider an unsigned letter that ran in a recent edition of the Hoboken Reporter to be an affront to many who are involved in the Hoboken Little League. It is unthinkable that anyone would seek to blemish this event by using it as a cover to launch a political attack. The people involved with the Hoboken Little League deserve better and most certainly so do the children who participate.

I have been involved in the Hoboken Little League for over 31 years and I am now President of the Little League. There are not enough words of thanks to go around to all the coaches and managers who devote many more hours than anyone can imagine to our children. In addition, there are countless city employees who work tirelessly to make our league and facility one of the best in our state. The sponsors of our teams who year in and year help us provide the best for our children also deserve our appreciation.

Put all of the above together and our children, through the great game of baseball, are learning the values of teamwork, discipline and fair play.

I would like to say that I appreciate the involvement of our elected officials. I believe that it sends an important message to our kids that our leaders in government think it is important to help us kick off our season. I look forward to the continued support of our elected officials and their involvement with the Hoboken Little League. Certainly the aforementioned hard work and commitment of all the volunteers, city employees, and sponsors have made our Little League an activity that all of Hoboken can be proud of. But the unwavering support of former and present elected officials has played a large part in past and I’m sure, future successes.

Anthony Cardino
President, Hoboken Little League


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