Foundation shouldn’t help hypocrite

Dear Editor:

Let me start by saying I do not mean to comment on the merits of the Hoboken Brownstone proposal for Maxwell House as I think, for the most part, development has benefited this town. With that said, it is appalling and unfortunate that groups such as the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation support such a shallow and blatant opportunist as Ron Hine and his Fund for a Better Waterfront. I mean, how transparent and base are Hine’s motives? Hine has made a career bashing countless proposed residential developments in this town based on every objection under the sun including density, traffic and pollution. Yet, he supports the ultra dense Maxwell House plan proposed by Hoboken Brownstone. What happened to all Hine’s historical objections to high-density residential development? Could it be that Hine was bought off by the promise of a park which only he could control? Hine is an egomaniac and rank opportunist –plain and simple. He is concerned only with his own power, at the expense of all else, including any ideals he may once have held. Shame on the Geraldine Dodge Foundation for bankrolling to such a hypocrite.

John Poz


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