Hudson County’s ‘phenomenal women’ honored on Mother’s Day

Dear Editor:

It was an honor and pleasure for me to be invited as a guest speaker to the Annual Mother’s Day Extravaganza of the C-Line Community Services Organization on May 12, 2002.The event was directed by C-Line Executive Caroline Nelson and coordinated by Geraldine Gaffney in a professional and enjoyable manner.

The program journal was prefaced by our esteemed Mayor Glenn C. Cunningham and the Mayor, in his honor of all mothers, related the history of Mother’s Day involving the lobbying of a Philadelphia woman, Anna Jarvis to the President Woodrow Wilson in 1914 to establish a “Mother’s Friendship Day” in honor of her mother who, in the late 19th century, attempted to heal the scars of the Civil War.

Special tribute must go to Kabili Tayari, assistant Business Administrator of Jersey City and Freeholder William Braker who, so eloquently introduced and presented awards to all of the honorees. Among those rightfully honored were Yvonne Bryant, District Manager of the Social Security Administration; Dr. Phoebe Slade, professor at New Jersey City University; Phyllis Gordon, a long time educator in the Jersey City Public Schools and community leader; Janet E. Hayes, Hudson County Clerk; Elnora Watson, Executive Director of the Hudson County Urban League; Juanita Holmes, Hudson County Division of Social Services Case Manager; Sylvia Perkins Cherry, evangelist and Assistant Co-Pastor and Minnie M. Crawford, Minister/Pastor and Medical Professional.

Hudson County is fortunate to possess so many dedicated officials and “phenomenal women” as honored above.

Robert B. Knapp


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