Vote on May 14th, Weehawken needs you

Dear Editor:

I would like to thank the Weehawken Reporter for their article on the front page of last weeks paper about the campaign debate. I hope it opened the eyes of all our residents. When given a chance to express their views and future ideas for a “change”, all the WIN team can do is criticize. Then I read further into the paper and saw Lou Ferullo being tarnished. Mr. Ferullo has been the most visible, hard working and caring councilman this town has ever had. There is not a function he doesn’t go to, a child or senior or neighbor who doesn’t know him or a problem he doesn’t try to solve. When he shops in Pathmark, I see him there listening to people no matter what ward they come from or what the problem is. There have never been any boundaries for Lou. He has been and always will be there for “people”. That is the kind of man he is. Once again I urge the town of Weehawken to sit back quietly and think of what will be the best for our entire town, not just the good for one or two. We as a town must get out and vote and stay united. The “Weehawken and You” team has given us a fine track record and would continue to do so.

This is not supposed to be some school child’s popularity race with kicking and scratching in a sand box. This is our town and our future is at stake here. We need leadership for the good of this town and I believe that Turner, Terlizzi, Ferullo, Sosa and Lavagnino are for the good of this town. Please consider and come out and vote on May 14th.

Weehawken needs you now.

Melody Tinker


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