Time to WIN back Weehawken!

Dear Editor:

WIN has a lot of support from the rank and file of Weehawken’s finest and bravest. Maybe that’s why Jeff Welz feels the need to throw accusations into his letter to the editor. WIN candidates have voiced nothing but the strongest admiration for the hard work of the men and women who are on the job in this town.

WIN candidates will do everything in their statutory powers as council members to make sure that Weehawken’s uniformed personnel get the support they need. That means: promotions based on merit not favors, close cooperation with residents, equal opportunity and effective community policing. Their hands can’t be tied in fighting crime and fighting fires.

It is a disservice to everyone who is pledged to uphold the law and to all Weehawken residents for their bosses to distort the truth on the pages of this newspaper. It is also an insult to my neighbors to suggest that the Third Ward doesn’t have a crime problem.

It is time to WIN back Weehawken, and let honesty set the standard in our town once again.

John Hubbard
WIN Third Ward Candidate
Member, National Fire Protection Association


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