It’s a no-win situation!

Dear Editor:

As the daughter of incumbent Councilman-at-Large, James J. Terlizzi, Jr., I have been following The Weehawken Reporter’s Letters to the Editor very closely. Despite my obvious partiality, I still felt compelled to comment of WINS “campaign” Manager, Mr. Sean Baldwin’s letter to the editor, April 30, 2002, re “Town Council…on Crime.”

Apparently, he cannot discern fact from fiction, and his letter was full of the same repetitive rhetoric and misinformation spewed daily by WIN candidates. In an attempt to “enlighten” us with his police-bashing propaganda on crime in Weehawken, either he failed to do his homework, or his dog ate it.

Crime reduction in Weehawken is a community effort! The swift action and diligence of the Weehawken Police Department, in a collective effort with the Town Council, sent uniformed police officers door to door, notifying residents of a series of burglaries, and how to protect against them. Information is power, which resulted in the arrest of the alleged perpetrator. Mr. Baldwin, however, illogically surmised that this was proof that the drops in crime were “lies.” Jealousy is apparently a stronger motivator than common sense!

The crime statistics reported by Mayor Turner are based on face (fact: A thing that has actually happened, or is really true). They are compiled by the FBI, Uniform Crime Reports and prepared by the National Archives/US Department of Criminal Justice. If anyone would care to see them, please visit:

The people of Weehawken genuinely love the Mayor and the Council, because they recognize that the best interests of the residents come first. What some don’t know, is how long and hard they work for minimal financial compensation; For instance, Mayor Turner and Councilman Terlizzi, periodically drive throughout the streets of Weehawken, on their own time, checking for potholes and other damage in need of repair, and make note of potential future community enhancements and improvements.

The Weehawken and You team love this town and it shows. Their commitment and dedication is incomparable, and greatly appreciated by the community.

Selfishly speaking, I almost wish that WIN had the slightest comprehension or expertise to govern this town. If they did, I might vote for them myself. For a part-time job, I do not see much of my father, the Councilman. He truly cares about Weehawken, and has been involved with the community in an effort to maintain our small town charm, for as long as I can remember.

It is unfortunate that the WIN candidates act like immature, Turner-obsessed vigilantes, with a platform that would not withstand the weight of a helium balloon! They have little or no leadership experience, no direction, no plan or strategy, and nothing constructive to say. Their unsubstantiated, capricious accusations toward the current administration demonstrate their ignorance and lack of organization, the proverbial no-win situation!

The efforts of the Weehawken and You team have positively impacted Weehawken’s current status as one of the best communities, in which to live. On May 14th, Weehawken and You will be Weehawken and Us, together again!

Lisa A. Terlizzi


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