T. Weed’s reasoning is faulty, but so is that of the people who would censor his views

Dear Editor:

I understand T. Weed’s frustration with America’s hypocritical, violent and counterproductive foreign policies (hey, nobody’s perfect), but I don’t think suicide bombing is going to actually improve the lives of the oppressed masses any more than cruise missiles will. Assassination and murder are part of a never ending spiral of destruction which is consuming the planet. Instead, we need to work toward a long term sustainable and just world. As ridiculous as that may sound, what’s the alternative? We all have a responsibility to educate ourselves (and I don’t mean by listening to the radio or watching the tube) as to what our government is actually doing with our money, and to organize politically in any way we can.

Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but the suicide bombers are invariably young, probably idealistic, and grossly manipulated by cynical old men into wasting their lives. Hasn’t that always been the way? If you’re so frustrated with things that you’d be willing to sacrifice your life, don’t wait until you’re old, get to work now to try to make the world a better place. Sacrifice your time to a useful cause, one worth living for. There is much to be done.

I would like to add that I do not consider criticism of Israel’s policies or politicians to be anti-Semitic. Nor is it anti-American to disagree with any American policies. Neither should criticism of any policies of America or its allies be considered an endorsement of other governments.

Open public debate is the path toward a better world. Repression and censorship breed violence. As obnoxious, illogical and dull as I find T. Weed’s letters (a lot of people probably feel the same about mine), I appreciate the Hoboken Reporter’s printing them.

Greg Ribot


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