Alcohol awareness billboard and calendar contest underway

Dear Editor:

Attention future artists! The billboards you see around the state could soon feature your artwork.

The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey, the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control and DARE New Jersey are looking for the artwork and creative alcohol abuse prevention messages of middle school students to feature on billboards throughout the state.

This contest is designed to be a family project, with both students and their families cooperatively creating the alcohol awareness billboard message, according to Angelo Valente of Hoboken, executive director of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey.

Nicholas DeMauro, Chairman and CEO of DARE New Jersey noted that the theme for this contest is “How alcohol abuse affects middle school students.” He explained, “this competition is open until March 2002, to any students in grades five, six, seven and eight. Students who wish to participate should contact their local police department and speak to their DARE officer.”

According to Valente, the submissions of twelve finalists will be chosen and will be featured in a calendar that will be distributed to every middle school in the state. He explained that an overall winner will be chosen from the finalists and that student’s submission will be featured on billboards throughout the state and will be receiving four airline tickets from Continental airlines.

For more information, call 201-798-7171 or go to their website

Partnership For A Drug-Free New Jersey


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