Seems to me communication is lacking between city agencies

Dear Editor:

On the weekend of February 9, a wood frame house on Canal and Grove Streets, directly across from the Boy’s and Girl’s Club and Learning Community Charter School, completely burned. It was one of two remaining houses on the block, most of which having been recently demolished by the city.

Several days after the fire on Thursday, February 13, I observed some kids standing in the doorway checking out the ruins and called the Mayor’s Action Line and Councilman Maldonado. I was concerned that although the fire had occurred days earlier and the side of the house was completely open, no action had been taken either to demolish the building or at very least, board it up.

A very responsive member of the Mayor’s Action Team, Ms. MacFarland, answered my call. Would that all the inquiries made by her to Public Works, the Housing Code Enforcement Department and the Building Department have resulted in some action.

I am left with an uneasy sense that there is little to no communication in place from one city agency to the next in dealing with issues that can affect the safety of Jersey City’s kids. That a completely burned out building could sit open and inviting, directly across from a community center and a public charter school, both of which together daily serve hundreds of kids from preschool age through high school, is unacceptable.

At this writing no steps have been taken by the city although I was assured that the board-up crew would be there last Monday, February 25. I have been told the building will be demolished next week.

Stephanie Daniels


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