Reconsider your point of view, Mr. Weed

Dear Editor:

My letter is a reaction to Mr. T. Weed’s letter titled “In Every Disaster, There’s Opportunity,” printed in the February 21st edition of the Hoboken Reporter. I would like to say to Mr. Weed that thank God opinions like yours are obviously not of those who mold and execute our foreign policy, and in our most security-sensitive times, defend and protect our nation and it’s people. Comments such as yours only magnify the need for our country and it’s administration to have the support of its citizens, that which in itself breathes in the determination and command needed to win the battles in a never-ending war against terrorism. Attacks such as the most horrendous ones of 9/11/01 on our country are not provoked or deserved by us, Mr. Weed, as you implied in your letter. Such attacks are carried out against us because of the very freedom and liberty we proclaim with our way of life, and because it offends the true nature of a terrorist’s hatred for such virtues and blessings. Good will always beget evil, and unfortunately for the good, without one the other cannot exist. And so it is therefore the purpose of good to battle evil indefinitely. For it not, attacks such as the ones that killed thousands of our innocent Americans on that fateful day would rain upon us without any fear of reprisal.

And as for your desire to sidle “up to Ariel Sharon with a bomb strapped next to (a) colostomy bag” when your “time comes”, I pray you recognize that such a wish is that of a hate-filled terrorist, where the “low life” you’d like to take with you would be your very sad and evil self instead. Why anyone would want to be such a person is beyond me and beyond the understanding of the freedom-loving nation we are. This is not an invitation for you to further enlighten us, Mr. Weed, but rather a hope to sway you to good instead, as you did in regards to the “pigeon-debacle” of last year. In both of these cases, you first touted barbarism. You slowly came to join the side of civility on the first. I hope you choose to do the same in this case as well.

Isabel C. Alonso


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