The truth about our ‘freedom’ is often hidden

Dear Editor:

We have no trouble accepting the greatness that democracy and capitalism brings in the form of freedoms. Free speech, free enterprise, free religiosity and all the choices of wealth and comforts attached to our way of life. We are bombarded with the fact that we are number one and are powerful enough to police the entire globe.

I would like to read a publication that pulls no punches and reminds us of the things that my misguided eyes see daily. I see degeneration, greed, deceit and dishonesty. I see licentiousness, crime out of real control. I see ignorant people daily and discourtesy everywhere. I see newspapers, TV programs, representatives (all the way to the top) distorted propaganda, actually, parochial nationalism peddled as patriotism. I see flags waving everywhere and unknowledgeable and unconcerned patriots that come out of the woodwork like roaches when it suits their greedy interests. I see crocodile tears and business as usual with robot-like response or re-action. All of these, and much that needs numerous novels to enumerate. I see all of this reported, if at all, in miniscule fashion on back pages and obscure periodicals that nobody is interested in. After coming home from their second or third jobs they are ready to plop down and fall asleep watching Howdy Doody or the ball game. I have no choice but to put up with all this “crap” since I am classed by Washington as in the near-poverty group. But I’ve learned that this is the real world and no system is without its faults and I have adjusted to try to fit in as best as the body I was handed is capable of. What I cannot accept is:

I deem it criminal, vile, horrendous, base, odious, monstrous, wicked and sinful to export our supposed civilized, best of all possible worlds, only holy way of life, not only by propaganda, but under the threat of sanctions, overthrow of supposed evil leaders and regimes, creation of revel forces and their financing and finding out we created more tyrannical governments shortly after. To close, with utter disgust and vomit, we are ready and have already bombed into oblivion, threaten to exterminate the planet which eventual chemical and nuclear contamination just because some people of other convictions, see through our duplicity and degeneration and would like to destroy themselves through self determined forms of society and way of life. We are fools, adolescent and arrogant fools.

Angelo Nanfro


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