One does not hide if one has nothing to hide

Dear Editor:

I read with great interest (and greater pleasure) of Union City’s shaving back the hours during which alcoholic beverages may be sold and served. I fail to see any reason why a decent person needs to be out and consuming liquor at 3 a.m.

Mr. Franco, owner of Corona de Espana, bemoaned the new ordinance saying that it would result in reduced business revenue. Yes, and when police officers stop drug dealers from distributing other mood altering chemicals, their business “goes down” also. Are we to cry for them as well?

If the members of the Bar and Restaurant and Liquor Association are so proud of the wares they push, why their hesitancy to defend their position to the Board of Commissioners during the more than generous three month window of opportunity they were granted? One does not hide if one has nothing to hide yet only 17 of the approximately 95 eligible “establishments” dared to address the Mayor and Commissioners. It makes one think, does it not?

I fully concur with Commissioner Michael A. Leggiero who sagely noted what the Association was attempting to do, “put the Mayor and Commissioners’ backs against the wall” by procrastination and noncompliance to the request to provide data to support their desire to remain open and peddling alcohol into the wee hours of the morning, Mayor Stack, Commissioner Leggiero and the other commissioners realize that most of their fellow citizens see no reason for anyone to be plying mood altering substances at 3 a.m. so the consumers can then get into their vehicles and wreak havoc on the city’s innocent citizenry.

Without appearing unduly harsh to the owners of liquor serving establishments, I must say I applaud the Board’s act and pray that Mayor Stack, Commissioner Leggiero and their fellows continue to protect us and our quality of life here in my hometown of Union City.

Thank you for listening. Alice DeLeon


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