Plastic waste

Dear Editor:

It was awards night 2001 for the Hoboken Little League players. Faces laughing, smiling, mouths chomping away on dozens of pizzas and sub sandwiches, all being washed down with plenty of variety of soda.

Parents mingling, conversing amongst each other. The kids chatting, joking, bragging away at their respective team tables. The high school cafeteria was in a frenzy of joyous laughter and was in a celebration. Finally the moment had come for the hundred or so kids to receive their much-awaited prizes. Despite the lack of organization, the ceremony began. Table by table, each team was called up to receive their rewards. Their eagerness and excitement reflected on their little faces. One by one these amazed and proud filled faces walked up, little hands poised to clench the prize.

This is where all the amazement, pride and excitement ended for the Piccolo’s baseball team. The Piccolo’s baseball team was the second place team in their division. These kids had worked very hard to achieve that second place status. The players watched in disbelief and disappointment as teams with lesser records, fourth, sixth place teams received their awards, which were in my opinion first place trophies. Piccolo’s, which was second place, were robbed, short-changed for their efforts. Their trophies were "plastic waste."

They should have received better compensation for their hard work and desire to excel. I’m not sure if this had anything to do with the internal politics and resentments prevalent within the staff of the Recreation Department. It was indicative in the lack of judgment and discretion displayed by whoever made the selection of these trophies.

Regardless of the cause, the effect was ultimately inflicted on the hard working boys of the Piccolo’s baseball team.

Disappointed parent


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