It’s three a.m. and I must be groggy

Dear Editor:

As a resident of this town for the last 15 years, I’m used to coping with the good and the bad “stuff” that comes with choosing to live here. But in recent years, it’s become increasingly difficult to deal with the disregard shown to those of us who prefer to sleep at 3 a.m. and possess too much of a conscience, or is it just respect, to touch other people’s property.

Has anyone else heard these animals coming out of the closed bars in the middle of the night? Blood curdling screams, shoving, cursing, throwing and kicking trash cans, and jumping on the roofs of parked cars. I’ve witnessed a nicely dressed, inebriated slob at around midnight, who opened a lovely brownstone gate, urinated in the basement portion where it was dark and then staggered back down the street. I’ve walked down the street early on a Sunday morning to find a large mound of human feces, steaming on a car hood. These ignoramuses (to use a printable word) also cause costly damage to residents’ cars, obliterating side mirrors, twisting antennas and denting roofs. I was finally compelled to write this after my poor, average-looking car became a victim for the fourth time in the past year and a half. Attempts to alert the police appear futile. They certainly empathize and tell you it’s the “number one complaint of people living here” but is anyone doing anything about it? Perhaps the town should consider putting more cops on all streets (not just Washington) from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. when these ghouls are making their way back to somebody’s apartment. And to all you twenty-something idiots that have no respect for your fellow residents, shame on you! News flash, your college days are over. Grow up. Hoboken is not an extension of your cozy campus.

Name withheld


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