In response to ‘An angry American’s’ letter

Dear Editor:

In "The Angry American’s" letter of November 18 attacking the "dinner-table liberal" (a new kind?) for being offended by a poster in a shop window of Bin Laden with a bull’s eye on his chest, he declares to her that, for his part, he’ll "hang his flag proud," and ends with "our country, love it or leave it, Remember Pearl Harbor, and remember 9/11 forever."

Love it or leave it! We haven’t heard that since it was a curse hurled at protesters at the start of the Vietnam War (sometimes while physically abusing them, as well) by misguided patriots. Later, of course, when the people saw on TV what was going on (news wasn’t censored then, as it is now in the land of the fr…once-free), they turned against it. In fact, the secretary of defense at the time, Robert McNamara, has since apologized, admitting that the war was "terribly wrong." And it has recently been revealed that the pretext used to rile Americans enough to get into that war — the Gulf of Tonkin incident — was staged by Intelligence.

And how can we ever forget Pearl Harbor? Especially now that it has come to historical light after decades of rumors; thank God for honest historians! That President Roosevelt not only knew that this "day of infamy," this "stab in the back" by "evil" Japan, was about to happen, he counted on its happening, he connived with his friend Churchill to make it happen. Why? To bring the U.S in on the side of England in its war with Germany. Before P.H., despite years of frantic British propaganda inciting Americans against the "hun", 80 percent of our countrymen kept their cool and remained "America-First"-ers, dead set against becoming entangled in another world war. The carnage of the first one, which accomplished nothing but to make the world a much worse place, was still painfully fresh in their memories. Sadly, the two-faced 32nd President was re-elected on his solemn promise to "keep American boys out of the war." Pearl Harbor fixed all that.

No, and we won’t forget 9/11, either. There seems to be a lot of evidence that warning of the attack was given to Intelligence from a dozen credible sources, foreign and domestic, but for some strange reason, these warnings were ignored.

An even-angrier American


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