Rooting out ‘all terrorists’ is our only way to bring peace & harmony to our world

Dear Editor:

While this is a time for all Americans to come together and not place blame upon others, we must recognize the mistakes we have made in the past, which has allowed terrorism to take root and flourish.

In recent years we have become gradually more tolerant of terrorism and many have even justified their cause, referring to them as "freedom fighters." Whenever Israel has taken steps to root out the terrorists who have been killing innocent citizens, we have called upon them to use restraint.

During the Clinton Administration, the most frequent visiting "statesman" to the White House was one of the world’s foremost terrorists, Yasir Arafat. This can only have given encouragement to other terrorists to use similar tactics to achieve their goals.

If we pick and choose which terrorists are evil and which are acceptable, we will never succeed in ending this terrible plague that has befallen the world. We need to have the moral courage to root out all terrorists, wherever they are, whatever their cause. Only in this way will we be able to bring peace and harmony to the world for all people of good will.

Hannah Feigenbaum


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