Pedestrians and drivers must pay attention to each other!

Dear Editor:

I was watching a video with my four-year old daughter about how to safely cross a street and one of the main lessons was to make eye contact with the driver of the car you were looking to cross in front of. It was then that I realized what had been nagging at me while driving around our fair city. My wife and I own a Real Estate Agency in town, so I spend a fair amount of my time driving around Hoboken. There are so many young (late 20’s early 30’s) people who I guess have never heard of this. There are so many distractions both inside and outside a car, and while I agree that the pedestrian has the "Right of Way," I believe they should at least glance in the direction of my car to insure that I’m at the very least paying attention.

I guess they don’t remember the old TV commercial "They were Right, Dead Right."

Eugene Valentino

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