Hoboken Historic Preservation Commission honors recipients

Dear Editor:

On Monday, April 23, 2001, the Hoboken Historic Preservation Commission had the privilege of honoring the following recipients with the Hoboken Historic Heritage Award, including a special George Kirchgessner Memorial Award:

The DeBaun Auditorium Restoration, Stevens Institute of Technology; United Synagogue of Hoboken, 115 Park Avenue; 92 Madison Street, Inner City Construction Company; 716 Washington Street, Barbara Tulko, owner; 359 First Street, Nag’s Head; 640 Washington Street, Hoboken Animal Hospital; 804-806 Washington Street, Sal & Pauline Russo, owner; 114 Washington Street, Seth Martin, owner; 99 Garden Street, Vincent Wilt, owner.

We the Commission extend our appreciation to everyone in attendance.

We look forward to another productive year of restoration and preservation of our great city of Hoboken.

Theresa Castellano, Chairperson
Hoboken Historic Preservation Commission


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