Nature’s gift best defense against bodily ills

Dear Editor:

Summer time is upon us. It is the time for the protection of your entire body by remembering to keep it hydrated and protected from the sun.

During heat spells and summer in general, we should increase water intake by at least 20%. Water is nature’s gift to life and whether it comes in a bottle or from the tap, it is pure and free from impurities. Tap water, in most towns, is treated with fluoride and chlorine as a major defense against tooth decay. Dentists feel the treated water gives the body a jump start in the fight against decay. Doctors in towns not provided with fortified water, use fluoride treatment that has been proven to prevent loss of dental health. Bottled water is becoming the most popular drink around the world. Some companies use different means of filtration and others use different sources of spring or artisan well waters, that well may contain minerals and salts inherent in the source of supply. If carbonated water is your chosen drink, the label should be checked to see if the carbonation is added.

If you are fond of mineral water, you should keep in mind that ingesting it on a regular basis, could cause the accumulation of non-digestible minerals that can accumulate in the liver or in the bladder, and over a period of time could cause problems. It is a good idea to rotate brands. In some countries like Italy, France and Spain, doctors of medicine use specialized waters to treat or help prevent various ailments.

Whatever your choice of water is, it is all generally good. The miracle drink purifies the system and helps the body rid itself of so many of the contaminants that are in most foods we eat and in the air we breathe. Keeping our body cells hydrated in summer will help prevent wrinkles and keep our skin more elastic, as well as keeping us healthy along with retaining a healthier look.

The age of the industrial revolution has broken down the natural protection of the “ozone layer” allowing more harmful ultra violet radiation to enter the atmosphere. Oncologists highly recommend the use of sun screens on all exposed body parts. It is equally important to bathe daily to remove the oils that block the pores. Perspiration is a natural cooling process.

Ophthalmologists and optometrists strongly recommend the use of sun glasses to prevent ultra violet radiation from entering the cornea, crystalline lens and retina. Some sunglasses are used as a fashion statement while others are prescription to correct vision and protect the eyes. Dr. Coreen Murphy and Peter Pantoliano, advise that cheaper glasses can do more harm than good. If lenses are not properly treated for optimum protection against the 400 nanometer level of ultra violet radiation, it can darken the area around the eye forcing the pupil to dilate and allow more light in, thus causing more harm. Distortion levels, be it ever so slight, will cause other forms of eye strain. Ninety-nine, nine percent of water sold in the United States is regulated by one form or other of government agencies. However, very little is done to prevent the sales of inexpensive sunglasses.

Peter Pantoliano
Eye Contact Vision Center
North Bergen


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