Hudson County Green Party Mayoral and Council at Large endorsements for Hoboken

Dear Editor:

The Hudson County Green Party is endorsing the candidates that most closely reflect our values, based on their records of past performance, public statements, our personal interactions with them and their responses to our questionnaire (at

Hoboken’s two reform tickets in this election, Return Government to the People and Hoboken United 2001, both charge the Anthony Russo administration with damaging the city during its term in office. They point to the present overdevelopment, traffic congestion and pollution, fiscal and taxation irresponsibility, inappropriate granting of variances and the suppression of democratic input and access to government. We agree that these criticisms are merited.

For the position of Mayor, we endorse Daniel Tumpson of Return Government to the People. Daniel Tumpson has a political vision that is progressive and knowledgeable. He has shown an unwavering commitment to this vision for many years. We feel that he stands head and shoulders above almost any candidate running for office in any locality or governmental level.

Regarding governmental accessibility, Dan does more than pledge an open, accountable government, he is committed to holding a public referendum on all major issues. He goes beyond criticizing inappropriate variances and discusses the need for a Master Plan for the city.

While he addressed all issues in depth, he alone challenged the inappropriate privatization of public property and services and the misuse of police power by the current administration. Governmental secrecy, the repression of citizen participation, the selling off of publicly owned land and facilities to private businesses and the abuse of police power are afflicting our country at every level. Dan’s awareness of these ruinous trends shows a very high quality of leadership. In his answers to our questionnaire and in his 20-year proven record of activism, he shows himself to be a champion of direct democracy with a practical grasp of fiscal and environmental issues.

We believe that a person of this vision in the Mayor’s office will protect property values, culture, quality of life and build local prosperity. Dan Tumpson could well lead the entire region in a prosperous, democratic and sustainable direction.

This endorsement is not a criticism of David Roberts, the Hoboken United Mayoral candidate. We applaud the fact that some years ago as 6th Ward Councilman, he changed his position from agreement with the Russo administration to becoming its forthright opponent, and we recognize that Hoboken has greatly benefited as a result. His answers to our questions show an excellent grasp of the problems affecting the city and offer well thought out plans for correcting them.

For the Council-at-Large race, we endorse the incumbent Councilman-at-Large, Tony Soares of the Hoboken United ticket, for re-election. He, like Dan, has a consistent track record of opposing overdevelopment, defending tenants’ rights and fighting or environmental protection. He has been an effective watchdog on fiscal issues and is knowledgeable on budget, infrastructure, traffic, housing, cultural and quality of life issues. He supports public transportation and Common Cause legislation on campaign funding reform. He is a community activist whose credentials in Hoboken go back nearly a decade and is informed on issues from the local to the global level. Tony Soares is a local treasure.

We encourage voters to choose among the two reform teams for the balance of the Council at Large positions. Both teams readily gave us the campaign contribution information asked for in the questionnaire. We believe either team, or a combination of the two reform teams, will be a vast improvement over the current administration.

Although it is not common knowledge, voting a “split ticket” is permissible. Since the election process involves runoffs when no candidate attains a 51 percent majority in the first vote, there is no “spoiler” issue to consider. We direct voters to our website, to review the candidates’ answers to a challenging series of questions. (If you do not have access to a computer, call 435-3804 and we can tell you where to find public computers in your area or supply a printout.)

Claudette Meliere
Hudson County Green Party


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