Excellence in Education team receives plaudits

Dear Editor:

On behalf of our school board candidates, I would like to thank the voters of Hoboken for re-electing Theresa Burns and Jim Farina and electing George Fonseca. The Excellence in Education team appreciates your support. We are especially pleased that the budget passed by a margin of over 2-1 votes.

The Excellence in Education team are an integral part of the Hoboken Public Schools’ successful efforts, and we want to thank all of the teachers, staff and parents for their enduring commitment to our children.

As a product of the Hoboken Public Schools myself, I am confident George Fonseca, Theresa Burns and James Farina will continue to fight to make Hoboken’s Public Schools the best in New Jersey. Our children deserved nothing but the best, and with your help we can continue to provide a quality education with proven results.

Finally, I want to express a heartfelt thank you to all of the Election Day workers and campaign volunteers who, for the second consecutive year, assisted me and our team to bring about this victory.

George A. Ortiz
Campaign Manager
Excellence in Education


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