Russo is no lorax

Dear Editor:

In last week’s HoboRepo, Charles Smith sent in a 1940s photo of his Fifth Ward dog, Susie Q. and attributed the trees of Hoboken to the Russo administration. This is rich.

I also live in the Fifth Ward. When my neighbor and I proposed to plant trees in front of our homes, our calls to City Hall were never returned. I finally took inspiration from my sneakers and decided to “just do it.”

Mr. Smith’s letter went on to thank the mayor for the trees. Since Mayor Russo has nothing to do with the trees in my neighborhood, I choose not to thank him for the trees. And while I’m at it, I also chose not to thank Mayor Russo for the birds and the bees and the fact that the sun rises in the east.

While Mr. Smith focused on the absence of trees in the background of Susie Q’s photo, I was amazed to see only one car parked on that 1940s Hoboken street scape. Unlike the trees (which the mayor has nothing to do with), we can definitely thank Anthony Russo for overdeveloping the city and all the cars that come with overdevelopment.

Mayor Russo’s headline grabbing remedy for too many cars is the unconstitutional banning of out of town vehicles from the streets of Hoboken. Respectfully, I suggest that Mr. Russo ask his phalanx of attorneys to review Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution (commonly called the commerce clause) and the case law thereto.

The purpose of this letter is not to tell anyone how to vote on election day. However, I am tired of the nepotism, the favoritism and the silly grandstanding. While I may be old fashioned, I actually believe in the Constitution and its guarantees of equality and justice for all.

Peter Rozano


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