Actions always speak louder than words

Dear Editor:

Thank you for running an article a few weeks back on the current situation plaguing the Jersey City Montessori School on Erie Street (reported by Jonathan Miller). The article effectively documented the bureaucratic roadblocks the School has encountered in its efforts to stay open and expand its educational offerings to this community.These are the issues that directly affect our community and our ability and desire to remain here for the long term. Thank you for reporting this.

Now for the good news: There is one individual’ among many others who would not so much as return our phone calls or respond to all of our letters asking for advice and assistance– who has gone “above and beyond” in asking the powers-that-be in Jersey City to be accountable for this situation. That person is Paul Schaeder.

Mr. Schaeder is the only person who, once hearing our plight, took concrete action. While virtually all other public officials in this community either ignored us parents or told us “there’s nothing I/we can do,” Mr. Schaeder called upon various divisions of the City government to come together to help keep Jersey City Montessori open. By his actions, he is demonstrating his commitment to encourage and enrich all types of education in this community–public, charter and private.

While the situation is not yet completely resolved, we are much closer to a resolution than ever before. In fact, since Mr. Schaeder took action, we have learned several events may take place within the next 30 days to permit Montessori to expand. Mr. Schaeder’s involvement has brought people together–and offered the parents of Montessori children the hope that we actually do have a voice in this community.

Karen Hazel


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