The truth of the matter

Dear Editor:

As First Ward Councilwoman, I would like to take this opportunity to point out what appears to be a blatant attempt by Councilman David Roberts to distort the truth for his own political benefit.

In a recent political ad placed by his team, he referred to an incident that occurred on November 6, 1996 involving Tony Chiaponne of Bayonne who was in attendance at the City Council meeting on that evening. Mr. Chiaponne attempted to videotape the meeting, utilizing electrical outlets in the room via an extension cord that he had with him.

When It was brought to his attention that the wiring presented a hazard to someone who might trip and fall, and also that he had not even requested use of the room in such a manner from either the City Clerk or Council President, Mr. Chiaponne became agitated and loud. As at any time when a disturbance occurs in public, the Hoboken Police responded and removed Mr. Chiaponne from the room so that order could be restored to the meeting.

I’m going over the circumstances of this incident to highlight a point. Dave Roberts is attempting to portray Mayor Russo in a negative light. That’s the basis of his entire campaign. The Mayor had nothing to do with removing Mr. Chiaponne from the meeting. In fact, David Roberts was City Council President at that time!

In closing, I’d like to urge everyone to question what Mr. Roberts says and does during the coming weeks. Look into his past actions and you will see that he is only acting differently now because he wants to be mayor. He speaks out of 2 sides of his mouth.

Terry Castellano
First Ward Councilwoman


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