What credentials does Harper have for being a candidate for Secaucus Bd of Ed?

Dear Editor:

It was disappointing, although expected, to learn that Michael Harper, a candidate in the school board election, mailed invitations to attend his fundraiser at $75 per ticket. I understand these were mailed to municipal and school board employees.

I mention that this move was expected since his candidacy was at the behest of the politicians, both local and state assembly. I find it to be disappointing since these employees (municipal and school board) are again being strong armed to support the campaign of a politician.

As a candidate for election to the school board on April 17 I pledge that if elected I will serve a full three-year term. I doubt that Mr. Harper can make a similar pledge. I believe that he seeks to use this school election as a step toward his ambition to run for the township council. His background is political. When appointed to the Housing Authority in 1999, the newspaper announcing said appointment stated that he learned politics “the old fashioned way.” His fundraiser letter emphasizes his political involvement, as an aide to the NJ State Assembly Democrats and at the same time as an aide to Assemblyman Albio Sires who doubles as mayor of West New York.

My background is in the field of education. I am a retired teacher having taught school continuously for 43 years. I have been a member of the Secaucus Board of Education for two full terms (six years) and a member of the Housing Authority for five years. As an elected member of the Board of Education my priorities will be education; our schools and our children. I will not be running off to Trenton to carry out the whims of the Democratic Assemblymen or to West New York to do the bidding of Assemblyman Mayor Albio Sires.

I challenge his credentials and motive for being a candidate for the school board. Had he joined together with me in requesting that the Board of Education conduct a “Meet the Candidates Forum” in this campaign, I would have had the opportunity to personally challenge him on these issues.

On Tuesday, April 17, I ask you to please make sure you vote in the school election and to please consider a vote for Tom Troyer 3A.

Tom Troyer


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