Lease-purchase agreements will be made for right reason

Dear Editor:

The Finance Committee of the Secaucus Board of Education takes exception to Al Sullivan’s assertions in the Secaucus Reporter that imply lease purchase agreements are used to circumvent the public will. Mr. Sullivan’s linkage of these decisions to past referendums is incorrect and inappropriate.

All decisions to enter lease agreements were, and will be, made independently in the interest of safety, efficiency, cost savings and the provision of the necessary “tools” for the use of our teachers and students in the classroom. In addition, lease purchase agreements require bidding and formal Board action, both of which occur at public meetings.

Boards of Education are authorized by law to use five (5) year lease purchase financing as a means of acquiring equipment, textbooks and building improvements/repairs. The benefit to the Board, students and public is the immediate acquisition and use of the specified equipment or improvements.

In addition, a Board of Education may participate in energy conservation leases, which are paid back over 10 years. These leases have no cost to the taxpayer. By definition they fund themselves through energy savings and payments to the Board made by energy suppliers to pay for reduction of electrical consumption.

The Board has over the last three (3) years entered into five leases. Two (2) were energy conservation lease purchase agreements providing for new energy efficient lighting in all of the school buildings and the replacement of all rooftop HVAC units at the High School/Middle School and the conversion of the system to gas fired heating.

Five (5) year lease purchase agreements have been utilized to acquire computer hardware, school buses, text books, and replacement furniture. In addition, they funded the installation of safety glass windows at Clarendon School and the conversion of the heating systems to a natural gas system. The conversion was necessary due to the removal of underground storage tanks.

I trust that this clarifies the Board’s use of lease purchase financing. However, I am available to meet with reporters and interested citizens of Secaucus to discuss these financial matters as they apply to our budget, the school district and the residents of Secaucus.

Edward J. Walkiewicz
Business Administrator and Board Secretary


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