Current Exchange

Send short, interesting missives to Or write Current, 1400 Washington St., Box 3069, Hoboken, NJ. Long, earnest letters on serious matters should go to the long, earnest journalistic side of the office.

Help wanted
Has the Current ever considered having a sex advice column? I could really use some advice. – Wayne F., Jersey City
No. But feel free to send us your queries anyway.

I just wanted to let the Current know how much I love St. Patrick’s Day. It’s my favorite holiday of the year. I had so much friggin’ fun on Saturday night. In fact, it’s Monday and I still feel drunk. – Johnny
Great! And by the way, have you ever heard of Alcoholics Anonymous?

Did someone say surly?
For once JoAnne Steglitz likes a movie (“Erin Go Brockovich,” March 15). Unfortunately, that movie sucked! It was totally boring and Julia Roberts was awful. Get some taste! – Brian O., Hoboken
Brian, tell us how you really feel.

Cultural elite
I think you should have picked Benny Tudino as one of the cultural elite (March 6). – Johnny, Hoboken
Yeah! He was great as a Mexican state trooper in Traffic.


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