Dear Editor:
In the February 4 edition of the North Bergen Reporter, the story about the status of the proposed Commons of North Bergen made me take stock of all the development that has either recently been completed in the township or has been proposed. Though these are certainly things that are good for the township, they have the potential to cause problems such as added traffic (on an already overburdened infrastructure) and more parking woes. But in this letter, I want to focus on the new ratables these developments will bring.
First, a quick rundown of the more noteworthy developments: the Commons, the Lowe’s Home Improvement Center; the Orleans (slated for the old Sier Bath location); and the four building, 48 unit complex between Blvd. East and River Road (owned by WHP9 of Fort Lee). The latter two faced strong criticism from township residents, concerns that fell on deaf ears when voiced to the current administration. We were consoled by the fact that, logically, these new developments would increase the tax base and therefore lower (or at least keep stable) our property taxes.
Then the news of Verizon finding a loophole in tax law which allowed them to forego paying their share of taxes. This bothered me, since the implication was that without state aid property owners would have to foot the bill. Why wasn’t this foreseen by the current administration?
It’s funny how any criticisms leveled at the current administration in North Bergen are always labeled as “political”. I have no political agenda whatsoever. I simply hope that the commissioners do their homework, since success demands responsibility.
Mayor Sacco’s team has been in power for 16 years; if they cannot keep property taxes stable amidst all this bounty, then it may be time for a change in town hall.
Eric Jonassen