I know that better days await me

Dear Editor:

God’s most innocent creature of them all. I am a dog, a cat, a puppy, a kitten, born unto the Earth as every other creature, born with the birth rights of freedom and innocence, of joy and promise.

Yet my birth rights are taken from me, denied by those who should love me and respect me but who, rather, hurt and offend me. My freedom is denied by the metal of the cage wherein I spend my days. My innocence is overwhelmed by fear and deprivation. My joy is absent for I greet no one at a door, have no ball of yarn with which to toy, laze in no sun filled window and safeguard no home against intrusion. I beg for no food at a table and sleep at no master’s feet. My promise is unfulfilled because I am denied my rightful place on this planet which is the home I share with you and which you are supposed to share with me. I am sad — sad for myself and sad for my brothers and sisters who share my plight, and especially sad for those who are in the greatest danger merely because of their age or their breed or because they might be ill or injured. I am sad for those who live now in memories of better times and better places, for those whose dignity has been starved or beaten away.

I am, at once, of purest breed and of indiscriminate heritage, tall, short, regal, scruffy, alpha and runt, but always I am the simple desire to live my life as intended by my Creator for all of His living creatures, I seek only to fulfill my purpose and fill my place.

I ask only this, the mere but magnificent opportunity to love and to be loved and the opportunity to make your life better by my presence in your life. Still, amid all of my fear, I find my courage. Amid all of my despair, I find my hope. Amid all of my nightmares, I find my dreams. Amid all of my darkness, I find my light for, although my home is a shelter, I am one of God’s magnificent creatures. For all of my long sad days, I know that better days await me and to reach them, you must first let me live.

A shelter pet

P.S. All of us who live at The Assisi Center wish each and all of you Joyfilled Holidays. Our wish for you is that you may be filled with God’s blessings. Our wish for ourselves is that we will soon be part of your home. Our address is 480 Johnston Avenue, Jersey City, and our telephone number is 435-0914.


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