Single at midnight How to get a date for New Year’s Eve

Cover design by Jennifer Merrick.

With only 10 more shopping days ’til New Year’s Eve, singles are running out of time to pick out a pair of luscious lips to smooch when the clock strikes 12. But don’t fret. It’s not too late. After almost a dozen intense brainstorming sessions, including a couple of all-nighters, the Current staff has come up with some tips on how to find a last minute date for New Year’s Eve.Reduce, reuse, recycle

Phoning an old flame is perhaps the safest method for finding a last-minute date. First of all, other than asking out your cousin, it’s the only way to really avoid that excruciating first date chit chat. You know the drill. You try and charm your date with funny anecdotes, like when you were 10 and stuck an eraser in your ear and were rushed to the emergency room because you couldn’t get it out, and then your date shares his embarrassing emergency room experience and the whole encounter feels more like a job interview or a therapy session than a fun and romantic night on the town. That can all be avoided be recycling a relationship from the past. Second of all, you’ve most likely already kissed them, so there won’t be any slimy surprises.

On the downside, there is probably a good reason why you are no longer a couple. And it can be potentially devastating if you discover that they are married, or, even worse, involved in a happy and lust-filled relationship.

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