Thanks for the decorations!

Dear Editor:

Whether you’re a “Hobokenite,” “Yuppie” or anything else we call each other, one thing we can all agree on is, “Christmas is a wonderful time of year.” I hope we all can get along and put all our problems aside and remember what this holiday is all about. Let’s all be grateful for what we have, and remember those that are less fortunate in our city.

I would also like to compliment those who decorated their houses, windows and balconies. If you haven’t been out, take a ride or walk around our city. All those lights are so beautiful. I am especially proud of Clock Towers, the building in which I live (3rd and Adams Street). The back yard is so beautiful. I invite all residents to take a look at my building.

Also, let’s all be kind to each other for the holidays, and maybe we can keep that kindness for much longer, and little by little the old “Hoboken Pride” will hopefully come back. I know I’ll always be proud to be a Hobokenite!

I would like to wish everyone a safe and healthy holiday season.

Proud of my town!

Rocco Riccardi


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